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Managing invasive weeds is a large project, and California has a robust network to detect them early so that resource managers can focus efforts on eradication and containment. In 2013, The California Invasive Plant Council (Cal-IPC) worked with GreenInfo to create the first version of CalWeedMapper: a website and mapping application making these databases available to everyone concerned about managing invasive species. In 2020, we overhauled of the system to upgrade and improve the application and database.
In the original application, nearly 100 scripts were used to gather, organize, and process data for display in the application. These were updated in this release to streamline their execution, reduce the impact on external services and APIs, and allow for additional customization.
The look and feel of the application were also significantly updated to meet the latest web standards. The cartography was improved to make the complex data more easily understandable. The sidebar interface was streamlined so that users would be able to more easily locate species they are interested in and see summary information and photos. The region selection interface was also updated to more clearly show the monitoring levels of species within the region.
Results: The highly successful CalWeedMapper application was modernized so that it can continue to support California’s weed control work.
Focus: Conservation, Environment
Services: Interactive Solutions, Applications Development, Web Mapping, Website Design
Project Years: 2020,2021