Mapping the Mosaic Atlas

Mosaic Atlas
Client:   Mosaic America

Mosaic America and San Jose State University teamed up to collect information about culturally significant places across the San Francisco Bay Area and together created a project called the Mosaic Atlas. Mosaic America came to Greeninfo Network to help visualize the data and assets that they collected, and to to update the data to geospatial formats. 

GIN used Esri’s Experience Builder to create the web map, as the client already had an AGOL account and wanted to stay in the  Esri ecosystem. GIN reviewed Mosaic Atlas' existing design and products to match the design appropriately. The result is a map and interface design that is colorful, beautifully matching the Mosaic Atlas’ existing aesthetic. 

The original data was collected stored in Google Sheets. GIN built a pipeline to geocode the data and bring it into Esri ArcGIS Pro. From ArcGIS Pro, GIN used Esri’s Pro to AGOL capabilities and brough the data into ArcGIS Online (AGOL). IN AGOL, Greeninfo Network created and stylized custom pop-ups, using Arcade and HTML. We also utilized Esri’s Experience Builder to ensure the map and interface is screen adaptive for phones and tablets.

Focus:   Social Justice/Equity  

Services:  Interactive Solutions, GIS Services, Data, Maps, Cartography, Web Mapping 

Project Years: 2023, 2024

GreenInfo Network creates, analyzes, visualizes and communicates information in the public interest. We specialize in mapping and related technology for nonprofits and public agencies, focusing on using it for conservation, social equity, public health, environment and foundation grant making.
2201 Broadway, Suite M5
United States of America