Los Rios Community College District Report Generator

Occupational Wages Chart
Sample chart from the report
Client:   North, Far North Center of Excellence, Los Rios Community College District

We built a custom web application to help automate the creation of regular job market/industry reports that include custom text and uploaded spreadsheet data to drive standard chart outputs. The application produces a standard Word document output for use in mandated industry area reporting.

This full stack web application was designed to help the client automate regular report generation. We created a custom CMS and data upload tools to drive the generation of report sections, report options, and multiple custom charts. We built the application with the open source Python web framework Django, with Bootstrap on the front-end for form styling and a responsive grid. To produce the resulting Word documents in .DOCX format, we used the Python library python-docx.  With help from ISON design, we also implemented a new and improved report design. The project is hosted on EC2, and includes a custom, secure log in and user management system. 

Results: We helped the client to automate what had been a time consuming and labor intensive report generation task, and improved the report design in the process.

Focus:   Education, Government Agencies  

Services:  Interactive Solutions, Communications, Graphic Design, Applications Development 

Project Years: 2019-2020

GreenInfo Network creates, analyzes, visualizes and communicates information in the public interest. We specialize in mapping and related technology for nonprofits and public agencies, focusing on using it for conservation, social equity, public health, environment and foundation grant making.
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United States of America