A Cultural Atlas of the LA River

Client:   Clockshop

Take Me to Your River: A Cultural Atlas of the LA River is a three-year project initiated by the Los Angeles-based arts organization Clockshop. Clockshop collected oral histories from individuals that reflect the diversity and lived experiences. Clockshop worked with GreenInfo Network to map the collective history from these communities, to celebrate the diverse experiences of those who call Northeast LA home.

GIN worked with Clockshop mapping their stories in an Esri AGOL platform, embedding community images and audio recordings alongside the text associated with each location on the map. Because of Clockshop's work, the resulting exploration of the map allows you to listen, read about, and see different people and places across Northeast LA.

We also used Esri’s Vector Style Editor to ensure the project's basemap design seemlessly matched the texisting website's beautiful illustrations and graphics. 

Focus:   Social Justice/Equity  

Services:  Interactive Solutions, GIS Services, Maps, Cartography, Web Mapping 

Project Years: 2023

GreenInfo Network creates, analyzes, visualizes and communicates information in the public interest. We specialize in mapping and related technology for nonprofits and public agencies, focusing on using it for conservation, social equity, public health, environment and foundation grant making.
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United States of America