GreenInfo Mission

We create, analyze, visualize and communicate information in the public interest.

GreenInfo Network is a non-profit organization that assists others in the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and related information technologies. We work as a consultant to the many groups and agencies who engage us.

GreenInfo works for 80-100 public interest clients annually, in California and the United States generally. Since our founding in 1996, GreenInfo Network has assisted over 1,000 public interest groups and agencies with mapping, data, analysis and other information technology projects. In addition to direct support of these groups, we also connect them into a network of relationships, fostering collaboration and sharing whenever possible. As a consulting organization, we work mostly on a fee for service basis - our outstanding staff is highly responsive and dedicated to meeting your needs.

GreenInfo Network is a 501c3 non-profit organization - all gifts and donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.

GreenInfo Network has California contract certification: California CMAS: 3-21-70-2035C (Information technology goods and services - use this page to search for GreenInfo Network). We welcome opportunities to work with public agencies using the contracting mechanisms. Our tax ID number is 94-3313222.

GreenInfo Network creates, analyzes, visualizes and communicates information in the public interest. We specialize in mapping and related technology for nonprofits and public agencies, focusing on using it for conservation, social equity, public health, environment and foundation grant making.
2201 Broadway, Suite M5
United States of America